RAYTEC produces high performance LED luminaires for hazardous areas. Led Light is long lasting without maintenance.
RAYTEC LED is suitable for use in any environment where an explosive atmosphere may exist. The range of luminaires within the Raytec Led portfolio are certified to Zone 1 & 21, Ex e, Ex d, and Zone 2 & 22 Ex n.
Below you will find link a link to RAYTEC web page. There you will also find required certificates.
Link to webpage:
Product Overview Guide:
Product guide
Click to download
See Raytec Spartan Led luminaires in action below:
How tough is SPARTAN?
Check out how our SPARTAN luminaires are made and certified ready for use in the toughest environments.
SPARTAN Floodlight - a modular LED Ex luminaire designed for the most extreme environments.
Watch the video to see how SPARTAN - a modular LED Ex light which can provide huge installation and maintenance savings.